Amazing service, he knows his work i will 100% recommend him .
- Rajan Dhillon
Great help great service by Rohit Mehta. And Pooja Mehta always there for any questions we have 🙏🏻 …
- Gurmeet Sidhu
I had a lovely experience working with the Mehtas team. The husband wife duo worked so hard and did an amazing job helping me sell my house and get into my new forever home.
- Nina Sandhu
Excellent service provided by Rohit, he is knowledgeable, professional & I recommend him for the Outstanding Service and Quick response. Much appreciated your help.
Very professional realtors and got me top dollar for my condo. They were with me every step of the way so I always had someone to call if I needed help with anything. I highly recommend this team of attentive realtors to make your selling or buying experience easy and profitable.
- Dianne Clou
Wonderful negotiation skill and service. I must recommend him.
Thanks for helping us to find our dream home....
- Jatinder Bhardwaj
Very knowledgeable and professional service was provided to us on our first home.
- Ven
Sold, Bought and Mortgage all done very smoothly. Thank you so much.
- Moti Ram
Great service and deep knowledge of urban development
- Rishi Vikram
Thanks for your help for buying selling and mortgage.
- Karanbir Singh